Saturday, July 10, 2010

Iranian government reviews execution of Sakineh Ashtiani, online petition gains steam

On Thursday, the Iranian government announced that Sakineh Ashtiani, an Iranian mother who has been "convicted" of adultery, will be executed instead of stoned to death, as was originally reported. But today, Iran's top human rights official indicated that the government is reviewing the execution order as well, CNN reports.

The case had drawn international attention, including an online petition and hundreds of YouTube videos calling for her release. Here is one of them:

User name: ignoredvoices

Location: Iran
Date uploaded: July 8
Views: 1548
Click here to watch this video on YouTube.


Anonymous said...

i'm 42 years old Greek mother and as i long as i remember my self always and always and always this things happens!did they have no mercy at all???????????????? DEATH WITH STONES???????????????? IN WHAT ERA THEY LIVE???????????ENOUPH NO MORE NO MORE NO MORE.......................

Anonymous said...

From another religion: "let him that is without sin among you cast the first stone".

Anonymous said...

isnt the adultery a crime!!??
and as she knows that the punishment is death with stones, then why did she do that??!!
i think she deserve that. so every woman will take it as an example so she will never do it.

Anonymous said...

Regarding the poster who claims she deserves it, in the first case, she stands accused and not convicted. This is the barbarism of that backwards patriarchal society. There are witnesses who claim that she indeed did not engage in adultery.

In the 2nd case, merely because a law exists on the books of the theocratic rulers in a society in no way proves that anyone deserves to be stoned to death for being accused of adultery.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous who said:
isnt the adultery a crime!!??
and as she knows that the punishment is death with stones, then why did she do that??!!
i think she deserve that. so every woman will take it as an example so she will never do it.

You are a disgusting freak. If I stabbed you in the face every time you claimed it was OK to stone someone to death, would every supporter of this insane and barbaric murder take it as an example?

People like you are why so many in the West hate Islam - plenty of Muslims don't support this kind of thing and yet here you are saying; "Women who cheat must know they will be stoned to death!"

Men in Islam may have up to four wives! A woman can only have one husband. Do not get me started on this.

The punishment perhaps for BIGAMY should be stoning? Or is it just women you want to throw rocks at?

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

isnt the adultery a crime!!??
and as she knows that the punishment is death with stones, then why did she do that??!!
i think she deserve that. so every woman will take it as an example so she will never do it"

So lets bury you up to your head and throw stones until your dead since human rights seem to mean so little we should make you the first example so no one will think as you do. WOMENS RIGHTS PERIOD I will accept NOTHING LESS.

A Mabee said...

This is plain out and out barbaric.

Anonymous said...

Hey, the people want a islamic government? this is it, this isn't going to end until the people realize the problem with the country. It's ruled by a book that is WAY past its expiration date.

Anonymous said...

Adultery is the cause of AIDS and other diseases. Adultery is barbarian. Exploitation to adultery on TV and the Internet is barbarian. And what you see now is the cure for such diseases. Eliminating the reason of the problem is the successful way to handle this issue. Don't look at the darkness of this punishment as itself but look at the bright side of it which is presented in the reaction of who will see such punishment as result. It will absolutely prevent anyone else to do such thing. He or she will think twice before doing adultery next time.

Anonymous said...

With all respect to the... people, supporting this, please get out of your cave. I understand that countries have different laws, and I respect that in Iran adultery is a crime which punishment is death, but we live in the 21st century, stoning to death is not civilized. I beg that Iranian authorities reconcider this punishment.

Anonymous said...

I hate it when people always go to the religion card for blame. It's not religion; it's culture. If a man had committed adultery, he would just pay a fine and be done with it. Because it's a woman, she gets a harsher punishment. Ridiculous. I'm not a man hater, but I do believe in human rights. Anyone agree?

Anonymous said...

Actually, she was convicted and already punished for adultery with 99 lashes with a whip. From
Convicted of adultery in 2006, Ashtiani has been sentenced to be stoned to death for her alleged crime.

Originally sentenced to 99 lashes for her alleged "illicit relationship outside of marriage," Ashtiani endured that punishment in front of her then 17-year-old son.

"The authorities asked if I wanted to wait outside. I said no. I could not leave my mother alone."

Sajjad says it is a day he will never forget. But, he says, that day he thought the worst was over.

"I was thinking, OK, they hit her, now it's finished. They told me this process was finished. She's done. She's free to go. "

But then a judges' panel in Tabriz suspected Ashtiani of being involved in her husband's murder and re-opened her case.

She was cleared of the murder charges, but the panel re-examined Ashtiani's adultery sentence, and based on unspecified "judges' knowledge," decided she should be put to death for the alleged affair.

She's already done her time.

Anonymous said...

So what happens if the Husband commits adultery ? Does he have is thing cut off ? Probably not !

Anonymous said...

"Adultery is the cause of AIDS and other diseases. Adultery is barbarian" Yeah adultery is bad i guess, but beeing stoned to death?? or even punished at all (Other than beeing left my the current mate) is kind of wrong dont ya think?? See to stop the spreading of aids that would require us to stone every living person capable of intercourse.. that would kinda suck if you ask me =/ How about we stone all retards as yourself for saying a plain stupid thing like that instead?

Anonymous said...

Why the hell world and Human Right group cant see human right violation in Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan and Kashmir, there are like dozens of citizens dies everyday said...

Não há cultura nem religião que desculpe ou justifique a morte.
A vida é dom de Deus e ninguém, NINGUÉM, tem o direito de tirá-la.
Todas as pessoas que julgam, praticam,apoiam ou justificam essa morte, escureceram suas almas e vão responder a Deus/Jeová/Alá ou qualquer que seja o nome que deem ao Criador.
Quem julga e castiga é Deus e somente ele!

Anonymous said...

Adultery happens all the time in the modern world...people just get a divorce...NOT STONED TO DEATH...this is barbaric and inhumane...the ones who pass sentence must live in the stone ages when this was acceptable...

Anonymous said...

Adam and eve ate an apple & they were only two
why punish only one???????????????

Anonymous said...

Originally sentenced to 99 lashes for her alleged "illicit relationship outside of marriage," Ashtiani endured that punishment in front of her then 17-year-old son.

"The authorities asked if I wanted to wait outside. I said no. I could not leave my mother alone."

damn!! the irani government is sick !!!at the starting i didnt get wats stonned to death but after i read it i was like "ouch*" the irani gov is run by sick people who misuse there power!!!! they will be punished by GOD!!! die u physcos!! DIE!!!

KA said...

shame on you iran

Anonymous said...

It is suggested to abolish the capital punishment all over the world.

Anonymous said...

Isn't Christ a prophet to them, too ? Did not he say: ""He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her." ?

Anonymous said...

this is 2010 this poor woman. come up to date
show us you can let this poor woman free you have done to much to her allready
very sick people.

shannon said...

why do you want to execute her? none of us not one human being in this world is without sin. so stop looking at other people's sins. and start looking at yours. In John chapter 8 verse 7 in the bible Jesus clearly stated that if any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her. if anyone would like to reply to me click the link.

Anonymous said...

What about the men who commit adultery? Every man in this world has committed adultery, and why is having sex punishable by death for a woman. Sex is very nice and pleasurable for both sexes.

Kristof Wing said...

From what I am reading, the arguments that are being used are simply too emotive, and they don't allow us (whether it be a Western or Eastern culture) to understand and deal with the issue at hand.

I would firstly like to establish a few things, I am from Australia, a culture which I would classify as a conservative multicultural western society. I am also irreligious and male.

I, personally, believe that capital punishment is wrong, regardless of the situation at hand and believe firmly in the philosophy that no one, without exception, should have the right or ability to pass 'divine judgment'. But one must keep in mind that this is based on the values that society has instilled in me from the day I was born; a situation which is the same around the world, regardless of the contrast of values and ideals.

One thing that we as a society must be wary of is that we do not interfere with the integrity of the legal system. The gentleman (presumably) who stated "isnt the adultery a crime!!??
and as she knows that the punishment is death with stones, then why did she do that??!!
i think she deserve that. so every woman will take it as an example so she will never do it." is reflecting his personal views, and from my understanding, the views of his legal system.

It is important, however, that the legal system of a nation concur with and reflect the general populous' values and beliefs, something which I believe Iran's legal system has failed to do. I believe that its grounding in religion has been one of the main reasons for this resistance and denial of change.

In my opinion it is largely unacceptable for a governing system and body to have any strong ties with religion, as this forfeits the ability of the body in question to be fair, open-minded and flexible.

However "...people always go to the religion card for blame. It's not religion; it's [the] culture." is a comment which I agree with, to a certain extent. Iranian culture (and western culture, may I add also) is based largely on religion and the two are inseparable, in my opinion.

Additionally, claiming that it is 'barbaric' and 'inhumane' may well be true, but from a western standpoint one must also not forget that some states in the United States of America still (essentially) murder people for crimes which they may, in fact, have not committed. Not allowing the terminally ill or those whose quality of life is not what it should be the RIGHT to die is, one could argue, 'barbaric' and 'inhumane'. And, of course, let us not forget the atrocities that were committed at Abu Grhaib less than a decade ago.

What I am trying to say is that to each culture and even within a culture, may seem 'barbaric' and 'inhumane', but that doesn't mean that we aren't that, either.

The problem (yes, a problem in my opinion) of women not having equal rights to men is inexplicably wrong, however I do concede that Western society has a way to go before true equality is obtained, though we are well on our way (Australia now has its first female prime-minister!).

Anonymous said...

Drop a nuke on Mecca, kill their god, and the practice will be gone in a year.

Anonymous said...

I truly feel sorry for the people on the other side of the earth. All these religions and crazy crimes that you can be executed for is just insane. Nobody but God can take another persons life. I'm not critiquing other's religion because my own could be fake but this is CRAZYY..!!.But the U.S. do have some stupid stuff too. World Peace is what we need..I might as well get ready for the fire.

START-vpn said...

FREEDOM!!!! Shame on you Iran...

Anonymous said...

One of the two men who allegedly had an affair with this woman killed her husband. Why would he want to kill her husband? I don't get it. Maybe she had something to do with it. Usually, the person you have an affair with, rarely, wants to kill your partner, unless you ask them to. I know it's inhumane to stone her to death. But, I think that they really need to re-investigate the case. If she is involved in her husband's death, then justice must prevail (she needs to go to jail). We can't let her get away with it.

Anonymous said...

Please do not execute her as she is life & should be allowed to see out her natural days. Only her maker and her natural time, is when she will go and see her maker.

Not by a human's hand of any making should she be put to death.

For whoever does give such a command to end her days, will feel pain of unimaginable worth, for eternity..

Anonymous said...

Barbaric. shame on you !!! a hateful religion.


Anonymous said...

Sakineh only committed the act of adultry to get out of an abusive relationship with her now dead husband. Her husbands murder was not Sakineh's fault at all; it was her male lovers' fault. Stoning is murder. She didn't want herself or her children in such a abusive relationship, and she is punished by stoning? That is inhuman.

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