Friday, July 4, 2008

GOP Convention: "These are your American Neighbors"

The GOP team in St. Paul that is furiously preparing for the 2008 Republican National Convention has selected the five finalists for its "American Neighbor" YouTube Contest. The contest called upon You Tube users to submit videos profiling everyday citizens who represent the best of the American spirit – citizens who put service to others before themselves. Starting today, you can vote for your favorite video on the GOP Convention's YouTube channel.

Four of the five videos profile army veterans and current members of the U.S. Armed Forces. We meet people such as Judson Hemperley, who served as a medic during World War II, and David Hale, a physician who's already served two tours in Iraq.

We meet Terry Sladic, who can boast to being the oldest serving captain in the U.S. Marine Corps – and to not losing a single member of the 177 marines and 8 sailors who were under his command.

We meet Chase Lucas, a 9-year old aspiring aviator who pays a heartfelt tribute to the men and women of the U.S. military.

And finally, we meet Jason Gilde, a young premed student dedicated to educating poverty-stricken children in Kibera and Kenya. His work on the Africa Dream Project is the stuff of inspiration.

Check back here on July 14th to find out who'll take home the grand prize: a trip to the GOP Convention in September.


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