Thursday, February 3, 2011

YouTube interviews YouTube

Well, not exactly, but in the interesting clip below Shira Lazar, from the Partners Project, a popular YouTube interview show, interviews a bonafide YouTube star, Cenk Uygar, host of The Young Turks. Cenk speaks about how The Young Turks came to be the biggest online news show in the world, what his ambitions are now that he's working at MSNBC, and his take on future innovations in news.


The Gale West said...

I'm thrilled that Young Turks is leading the way to the horizon of attainable dreams.

Everything Cenk Uygur has said about merging a new path for the news media is true. He doesn't back down or sugar coat reality about current events.

Bravo, Cenk, for winning the hearts of those, like myself,with your down-to-earth view point. You always have something to say about the things that need to be said, without hesitation, discrimination, or denial.

Keeping current events the focus,not how much money can influence the focus, is the main reason you enrich my knowledge about everything in the news.

Best regards, Sharron Gale West

PS:Do you think Keith Olberman might have a job with Young Turks?

He lost his job for telling it like it needs to be said; its a great opportunity for bringing honesty to the forefront.

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