Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Path to Prosperity: America's two futures, visualized

Yesterday Paul Ryan, House Budget Committee Chairman, released a bold plan, entitled the "Path to Prosperity," to cut up to $6 trillion in national spending over the next decade. His plan touches on many of the tent poles of American government, from tax structure to entitlement programs, and is likely to reframe the conversation in Washington. As Mike Allen wrote in Politico's Playbook, this ambitious plan could be received politically as an honest and adult response to the rising national debt or as an overreaching cut in government, delivering many key constituencies to the Democrats in 2012.

In order to manage the message Congressman Ryan used traditional media outlets, such as an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, to explain his plan to the public. Ryan also used YouTube to bring his plan to life and visualize the data behind his decision in a way that he couldn't through other media channels.


Anonymous said...

This is what the face of immorality looks like. It is as sincere in its delivery as it is deceptive in its approach. Deregulation, runaway militarism, tax cuts, institutionalized bribery, and corporate socialism have created the current economic crisis. Paul's analysis? This is all the fault of the aged, the poor, and children. Shared sacrifice? It looks completely one sided to me. What sacrifice do the wealthy make?

Anonymous said...

whence commeth this description of an economic program in "moral" terms? I recall Jesus telling rich men to give to the poor if they would enter the kingdom of heaven. But i missed out when he told Rome (government) to do it. Would you like to hear the words of another prophet?

There are eight levels of charity, each greater than the next.

[1] The greatest level, above which there is no greater, is to support a fellow Person by endowing him with a gift or loan, or entering into a partnership with him, or finding employment for him, in order to strengthen his hand until he need no longer be dependent upon others...

[2] A lesser level of charity than this is to give to the poor without knowing to whom one gives, and without the recipient knowing from whom he received the gift. For this is performing a good deed solely for the sake of Heaven. This is like the "anonymous fund" that was in the Holy Temple [in Jerusalem]. There the righteous gave in secret, and the good poor profited in secret. Giving to a charity fund is similar to this mode of charity, though one should not contribute to a charity fund unless one knows that the person appointed over the fund is trustworthy and wise and a proper administrator

[3] A lesser level of charity than this is when one knows to whom one gives, but the recipient does not know his benefactor. The greatest sages used to walk about in secret and put coins in the doors of the poor. It is worthy and truly good to do this if those who are responsible for distributing charity are not trustworthy (like Gov Bureaucrats).

[4] A lesser level of charity than this is when one does not know to whom one gives, but the poor person does know his benefactor. The greatest sages used to tie coins into their robes and throw them behind their backs, and the poor would come up and pick the coins out of their robes so that they would not be ashamed.

[5] A lesser level than this is when one gives to the poor person directly into his hand, but gives before being asked.

[6] A lesser level than this is when one gives to the poor person after being asked.

[7] A lesser level than this is when one gives inadequately, but gives gladly and with a smile.

[8] A lesser level than this is when one gives unwillingly. (like taxes which are not really charity at all)

8 levels of Charity by Moses Maimonides

So can this crap about opposing the involuntary taking from one class, the taxpayers, to give to another, entitlement recipients, as being "moral" Its degenerated into a politicians vote=buying scheme; that's all.

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